Gmail Notifier Pro 5.3
7.4 MB

Gmail Notifier Pro 5.3

Alerts when new email messages arrive
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5.3.5 See all
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
7.4 MB

Gmail Notifier Pro is a mail notifier with the ability to check multiple accounts. The application alerts you whenever new e-mails arrive at your inbox. It can also be used to check other Gmail products including Google+ and Google Drive, as well Twitter, Facebook, news readers, Microsoft Outlook and Exchange accounts, Yahoo! Mail, among others.

After a simple installation, the first step to start using the application is adding a new account. The process is easy to carry out; along with the login and authentication details, you can also add a description to identify different accounts, for example 'Personal email', 'Work e-mail', etc.

Once an account is set, the application will notify you of new incoming emails by means of fancy desktop notifications with sound alerts. The main panel shows all received e-mails, with the chance of displaying a selected email contents in the right panel. All the actions available in Gmail can be found in the apps menus, so it is possible to mark e-mails as read, add stars, reply, report as spam, delete, print, etc.

Digging into the Options menu, you will find many settings to configure, from the update interval to adjusting the way notifications are displayed, their position on the screen, etc.

There are many other features that make this Gmail notifier a powerful and efficient tool, like its integration with the most used email clients, support for Atom and IMAP protocols, and integration with social networks. Gmail Notifier Pro comes in several versions, one of which is free for personal use and limited to two accounts.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Ability to check multiple accounts
  • Feature-rich
  • Customizable
  • Free for personal use


  • Free version is limited to two accounts

Comments (1)

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I started with the trial version and then upgraded to the "registered" personal license, which I now totally regret. The trial version only handles up to (2) accounts, but with the personal license you should be able to add much more. I was only able to add (3) different accounts (Gmail, Twitter, Feedly) and anything else I add states "Account Validation Failed". I've tried everything and made sure all the account information was correct as well as the settings. Unfortunately, this program has failed miserably. Since upgrading, the program has become increasingly slower and has crashed on multiple times.
I've tried to contact the programmer on several occasions but haven't received one response. I thought this program had a lot of potential and thought it would be much easier to access my accounts in one place, but unfortunately I was wrong. I hope the issues I'm currently having are a glitch in version 5.3 and that the programmer will correct the problem.

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